Friday, January 23, 2009

Obama and the NPS

So the magical moment came, and before the poet spoke, people left. Or at least they tried. All the people encaged from 7th back to 12th were routed through one open gate link. Riots? Against Bush for supposedly stealing the election? Yes. Incompetent management? SURE!! Not against Obama, though. SO the 12th street gate was locked and deserted (It was supposed to be an open station at Federal Triangle!!!!) and there was the arduous task of getting to the 14th street gate. It was crowded, to say the least. We got around the johns, which were being used as barricades. However, the line was stopped solid. So reverse, and come around the other side, where people were sliding through the crack to the Washington Monument area. Stationed cops prevented access to the 14th st. bridge, and all gates to Constitution sealed off by IMF_grade tower barricades. So at least it opened up at that point. Getting through the next gate at 17th- no access north, though. Past that point, there was easy egress towards the Foggy Bottom Station. Well, by the time I got to a Metro Station, I was already so close to home.

WHEW! Time to warm up those chilly hands and toes.

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