Saturday, January 20, 2018

Easy Days

Snow- public schools in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia were closed for a whole week. Us adults got two days off. On both occasions, we returned to work while ice and snow covered the roads. I greatly improved my winter driving abilities this January. Now I suppose the high tolerance of these southern cities for snow-driving is the prevalence of SUVs, F-150 and Chevy pickups, and other 4WDs. And the can-do attitude of the heavily military population.

Leave- Gate traffic was light between Thanksgiving and the new year. This is the time that many to most military personnel take several weeks’ leave. The benevolence of a month off is met with the ambivalence of merchant seafarers and migrant workers, who get their two-month breaks in exchange for weekends missed on duty.

While commuter traffic was light, the cumulative traffic on I-95 was heavy, northbound to the Northeast and New England on Friday afternoons.