Saturday, March 10, 2007

Our Boston Trip

I sent this sort-of-desparate message last night
after arriving back from Boston. The plane trip
really should have been less hasslesome.

i just came back from a school trip to boston.
hotel-nice, but i was e-stranded from the
computer the whole time- there was a comp-
uter but no internet access. It was freezing cold.
'twas zero degrees fahernheit. 'twas a good
trip though.

After being served a surprising dessert of Kasuagi gummies I'm about to take a plane ride! I don't know what I am more excited about; the plane ride or my first trip on the AirTrain.

This station seemed to have been designed as part of the airport. They tried to be cool by naming their stations with letters; I got on at "D". It felt like I was trapped in a bubble waiting in the enclosed terminal. The trip went at a slower speed than I would have liked it, and the train was overcrowded, even at midday. We switched between the two tracks quite often, having to slow to 10 in the process. Not enjoyable.

Of course we managed to spend a lot of time at the airport checking in. It would have been faster if we would have taken a bus. No complications on the flight; I truly enjoyed that take-off jolt. No problems with baggage claim. We left the airport in an interesting manner; by boat. The trip was not too enjoyable with the constant rocking of the water taxi. We passed by the USS J>F>K>, the last fossil-fueled US Navy vessel. Mr. Goodwin sure knows a lot about boats.

Our hotel at the Yacht Haven was nice and spacious with a high ceiling and a view across the bay. Nice. Dinner was at Joe's American Bar and Restaurant, who shared the pier.

This was the science center day. I was so eager to see how their subway was like. It was yet bitter cold. I can't believe they called trolleys and buses trains! Such like DC's Zoo Stop, the Science Museum was actually 2 plus blocks from the aerial station. It was cool and the gift store and cafeteria weren't rip-offs!

To Be Continued

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