Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tactical Error

I read a savory ad about the new National Harbor at the Wilson Bridge.
I harken back to the Streetcar days of DC- A destination place at the end of the line. Glen Echo remains as an example. These days, 1920's theme parks are conceived as 'lame'. So enter this 2.1 billion (USD) resort, luring (monied) city people to beefen revenues and profits accumulated from the lured tourists.

-There is no way to get from Downtown to the 'resort' easily (sans voiture)
Options include- direct ramp access from I-95 and the Anacostia Freeway, which leads directly to Downtown, a $14 roundtrip ferry ticket across the river to Alexandria, or, as implied, a bus from a Green Line Metro Station (Southern Avenue) for staff. Great planning, Gaylord. I'll laugh when I read that you're in court facing a discrimination lawsuit. Or I'll file one myself.

But, I wonder, is the parking free?

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