Thursday, January 28, 2010

Set oven to 450.

Put disliked book in. Hope for the best.

In the most objective sense,J.D. Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye" opened the floodgate to a new genre of unrefined literature. The work is monumental, if not provincial in the sense that many could have thought of the concept of being the first to cuss, swear and psychoanalyse a mentally troubled kid. There was Flowers for Algernon, which at times became unsuitable for children, and most recently Feed, which lays waste to the english language. No, that last book is over the edge. It's irresponsible. It's unrestrained criticism of the housing bubble and ever-shrinking technology before it popped. So basically, Salinger taught the writing world to break with modesty and devolve into a free for all. This could be for better, that there is pan-symbolism to be found in any psychotic rant, or worse, for the same reason.

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