Sunday, February 7, 2010


The snowplowing trucks boomed along the thoroughfare at all times of day today.

I asked the snow king for 14 inches, not quite 40. He must have misheard me.
This time, Montgomery County was the epicenter of this storm, dubbed "Snowpocalypse". Power outages, downed trees, and stores running low on supplies are widespread throughout the area. It has been 2 weeks since I have been to MoCo on account of recent weather activities. Reports are coming to the newsroom from secondhand sources who say that it looks like doomsday- or winter wonderland. Choose your pick. Don't expect another storm in the area of this magnitude for 6-7 years.

As for me, I did make it to mass this morning ; the congregation was reduced to 10% its usual size. I cooped myself up at home in the afternoon with the final work on an essay and laboratory report as well as a mock SAT exam. Fun? Choose your pick. Most institutions in the area are closed tomorrow, including the Fed. However, the DC Gov't plans to open with 1 hour delay. When there is a will, there is a way.

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