Monday, January 14, 2008


Blog News
I've been listed! I don't know the exact details about this, but this page appears to cite my blog as one of note, listing my post "Sweetie?"

I found that when I Googled myself. While doing this egocentric activity I came across an early mention in the Washington Post when I was 5.

(Again limited on time, I will try to get the snippet of me in that article on here tomorrow.)

Now this morning my commute was- awkward. Apparently someone forgot to set the alarm clock and I got up at 6:56am, 56 minutes later than my usual. I was ready by 7:15am (miracle!), but I took a rare trip to school in the car. People were driving slow, for no reason. I guess that is what people are doing, says the news, driving slower than the '90's. Hee Hee. Actually, going at 55mph is "efficient speed", NOT 20. Well, I made it in swell time.

Addendum from yesterday; I was apparently mumbling about homework in my sleep. That's how much weekend work we got :<>

Also, I am trying to post everyday. Of course it's inevitable that I'll miss some days here and there, but I'm trying.

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