Monday, April 7, 2008


Home in Record Time! 4:05pm.

The NLE (National Latin Exam) has lowered their standards. I received a Gold Magna Cum Laude with my score of 37/40 on Latin II. Compare that with my Magna Cum Laude (no shiny metal) last year on Latin II, I think. Or is it just that the teacher is really, really good? Explaining about .5% of all Perfect scores, and supposedly, another significant chunk of other high ranks?

Again to Strathmore. The Music Center at Strathmore is a posh 2005 concert hall that looks conformist on the outside, and is only tamely space-age on the inside. In the Marriott hall, as they bought it, the seats are symmetrical. No atonality there. The acoustics are pleasing, for the audience, as there was where I sat until intermission, which, afterwards, we performed.
The performance of Bach's First Piano Concerto went fabulously, and a little encore (Chinese pop music) as well. Of course, the designers compromised the performers' ability to hear each other for the audiences' listening pleasure, but it was fine.

The money generated from the concert will go to building a Shriner's Hospital ( Shriners are the group that wears the fezzes) in China.

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