Monday, June 8, 2009

Sunday Drivers

After six days of work, I came across a Sunday. But I had a prior appointment for that date, and thus, did not end up in New York for old schoolmates' graduation. So I was in a Fire Room again, ten minutes prior to mass, and being given the directions: Follow the Thurifer inside the gate. Boat bearer. At St. Thomas, that was the job of the portico ledge. But the job was made easier by the MC, who is being seen off to West Point the Military Academy (just 45 scenic miles north of NYC). Enjoyed wondering whether the smoke was bad for my health or not. After that, listen to the webcast of the St. Thomas service before getting some mountain air, where I drove about 4 miles on Skyline Drive. Would have driven faster than 30mph except that there was a steep incline. The double solid center line is actually quite helpful to stay on one's side of the road, to help avoid collisions on that narrow road. But we descended to the vineyard plains and passed through (Little)Washington, no stop on go,finding ourselves on a scenic byway and somehow on I-66 in Prince William's County.

Congratulations, St. Thomas class of 2009!
Massimo, Matthew, William, Danny, Aidan and James

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