Wednesday, April 1, 2020

New Smartphone Features I’d like to See

Lie Detector
Imagine how many lies and mistruths tell their parents over a smart. Polygraph and chest leads are optional, since this function will use GPS data and tone-of-voice analysis

Tactical Grenade
We already know that lithium batteries explode at the wrong time, in the wrong place. We’re just making it predictable.

Mood Ring
Consumer Therapy has been the American cure-all since World War Two. Get ads that relate to, and “fix”, how you are feeling.

Hormone Sensor
Picks out the meal that matches your feelings: pickle and ice cream; or bison and elk meat, this app knows it all.

Driving Mode
Because clicking seven times to get to the GPS map just isn’t safe

Hot Pack Mode
Boiling water and rubber pouches are so last century. Apply phone directly to aching body part. Notice hoe warm your phone gets in the car already.

Ship Mode
Equal representation of those who travel by a ship at sea instead of an airplane. Detects chokepoints like Gibraltar or the Strait of Hormuz that might have cell service. 

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