Saturday, August 1, 2009

New City

We may meet America's new 10th largest city. Larger than San Jose and smaller than Dallas, it's Fairfax City, just 10 miles from Washington, # 25 largest city. For starters, Fairfax County is an accumulated strip mall subdivision, with lots of sprawl and crawl that happens to have good schools and great other things. So it would also be America's richest (large) city. But why would they want to become what people think of a city. a "grimy place" Isn't the arts venue enough? It's about independence for spending. But sadly, it's not a one-step process. Counties in Virginia with lots of people can't just make a city. For some reason like fear of the reins.

There is a Fairfax City in existence already - the population of it, by incorporation of the rest of the county, will increase to over 1 million.

Downtown? Tyson's Corner Mall. Or for the upscale, the Galleria across the street.

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