Monday, March 3, 2008


Texas Hold 'Em wouldn't load last night, so now I'm playing it now and got to be nimble about blog- poker switching.
I had to go to H street Northeast to hand in the papers for the job program. It required taking the X2 over. I thought I'd be stuck on the street corner for half an hour, as I saw Tic-Tac-Toe and one more, four X2's in a line in the other direction. One did come before the glob returned, however, so I could return to the computer quicker than not. On the way to H street, I saw a van tip over. More on that later. The H street corridor resembles U street 5 years ago, with this place I had to go to turn in the form resemblant of the 14th street Reeves Center. Basically, this was one place I did not want to spend too much time in.
I was overly fancifully dressed, and well prepared- I was out in 30 seconds as I had already filled out my form in the comfort of my home. Watching my steps and looking both ways frequently, it was good that a bus was right there to sweep me back to my territory and to my lunch and Texas Hold 'Em. I forgot; the bus coming back from H street was detoured, as the Capitol police were investigating the van, which had tipped over when I was headed to H street, that was on their turf along with ambulances and fire trucks. A witness said that the van was in pursuit by the police. At least one injury was reported. (My original reporting)

Enjoying that free day junk!

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