Monday, March 17, 2008

Tradition and the roadblock

What is Zeno's theory?
It goes this way- if you go halfway (1/2), then half (1/4), and on (1/8)'ll never get there. But there is an end to tomorrow. Why I bring it up- Math quest. Not a fun, joyful computer game, but rather a 30-50 point twiz (no way to spell it). On top of that, there is one tennis practice in my vacation, which is at 3:30 tomorrow. Oh Well. Vacation will come soon enough.
Some orders of business:
X Collect A+ loan from customer YYYY
Collect other loans
Inquire about EC religion assignment, session 3
X Inquire about tennis practice tomorrow
Finish math practice quest

Now onto my tradition- I completed another online order today, which will be hand delivered tomorrow. That's what I do, and like to do. Brings good memories of summer when I do.
Jangoonow- internet shop online since 2004:
I'll have time to update it by Wednes

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